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In only one creature on the earth shall be perfect, that was cat!

By night, they're ruthless hunters that stalk their prey with a keen sense of sight and smell. By day, they're playful, loving companions for millions. Today, cats outnumber dogs as America's favorite pet. Worshipped in ancient Egypt and persecuted during medieval times, domestic cats over the centuries have been feared and adored. As comforting companions, cats provide therapy for the elderly and autistic. But as dramatic sequences show, the behavior of cats is never far removed from that of their cousins in the wild. If you've ever wondered why cats always land on all four feet or what makes them purr, join National Geographic for Cats: Caressing the Tiger.



    The world is represented by a 2D grid that wraps around at the edges, that is a creature moving past the top edge reappears at the bottom and one leaving on the left side reappears on the right side ...

    Simple World

    The simple world program simulates a number of creatures running around in...in one of the major compass directions north east south or west and belongs to a particular species which determines how that ...

    wowmodelview 含源代码

    - Choose a model in the directory tree on the left. Controls: - Left mouse button: rotate model - X/Y Axis only. - Right mouse button: move model - Middle mouse button (scroller) : zoom model ...



    Python 2.6 Graphics Cookbook.pdf

    This chapter explains how to create complete working programs that can be run on client computers that do not have Python installed. Chapter 2, Drawing Fundamental Shapes: This shows how to create ...

    ICE Creature Control 1.3.6 unityAI插件

    ICE Creature Control unityAI插件

    big creature.m4a



    The forest is alive with magical elements: flowers that glow and change colors, trees with leaves in shades of purple and silver, and small floating lights that resemble fireflies.


    这是Creature(高级2D骨骼和网格动画工具)的运行时。 该运行时适用于Unity 5.0及更高版本。 它允许您在Unity环境中加载,播放和控制创作的生物角色。 还提供Mecanim支持。 有关如何使用运行时的更多信息,请转到此...

    The setup mathine 2 for maya2013

    With just a few clicks, TSM2 installs a high-quality skeleton and proxy, adds a control rig, and applies basic but accurate skin weighting to human, animal, and creature models, a task that normally ...


    An animated path view following the methods in a blog post from Romain Guy here: http://www.curious-creature.org/2013/12/21/android-recipe-4-path-tracing/ Per the blog post, I will be adding SVG ...

    Nightmare Creature 1 v1.2.rar

    Nightmare Creature 1 v1.2.rar

    Creature_Creator_1.6_for_3ds_Max+Kengen 怪兽生成器 怪物工厂

    找了很久才找到的。怪兽生成器的3ds max 插件,内含注册机,支持3ds max 4。3ds max 4 需要另行下载的,可以猛戳这里:http://download.csdn.net/download/whuzzh/3818139


    Creature3D 引擎材质系统简介2015 年 8 月 31 日吴财华预定义的通道有:颜色 1、颜色 2、颜色 3:对应为 diffusemap(漫反射贴图

    Tribal Creature of the Sky:查拉克特的传奇故事-开源

    这旨在成为一个完整的、跨平台(Win、Mac、Linux)的第三人称动作和冒险游戏,使用 Irrlicht 3D 引擎和其他开源库和工具。 它是用 C++ 开发的,使用 Blender 制作的 3D 模型,用 OpenGL 渲染。


    DiTingEtymologyDiTing is a Chinese mythical creature who knows everything when he puts ears on the earth's surface. Parallelly, this program is developed to recognize biogeochemical cycles from ...

    PyPI 官网下载 | poppy-creature-1.8.2.tar.gz

    资源来自pypi官网。 资源全名:poppy-creature-1.8.2.tar.gz

    The General Creature Simulator-开源



    1. 如何打开编辑器: 2. 编辑器交互方式说明: 3. 编辑器启动界面说明: 4. 场景界面: 5. 快速移动相机位置 6. 载入界面 1.可以在该界面输入场


    具有编辑器和状态机的Creature UE4插件 这是带有状态机系统和编辑器的UE4的Creature插件。 生物插件是由kestrelm创建的 您可以在找到UE4的Creature Plugin的源版本。 这是一个实验版本,可为您提供由我创建的状态...

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